Getting Started

Start Building Secure Applications with Hash (HSH)

Hash (HSH): Installation Prerequisites

Hash (HSH): Secure your passwords with quantum-resistant cryptography. This section will help you get started with Hash (HSH) as quickly as possible.


The minimum supported Rust toolchain version is currently Rust 1.69.0 or later (stable). It is recommended that you install the latest stable version of Rust.

Once you have the Rust toolchain installed, you can install Hash (HSH) using the following command:

cargo install ssg

Platform support

Hash (HSH) is supported and tested on the following platforms:

Tier 1 platforms

Rust Tier 1 targets are officially supported and guaranteed to work.

Operating System Target Description
✅ Linux aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu 64-bit Linux systems on ARM architecture
✅ Linux i686-unknown-linux-gnu 32-bit Linux (kernel 3.2+, glibc 2.17+)
✅ Linux x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu 64-bit Linux (kernel 2.6.32+, glibc 2.11+)
✅ macOS x86_64-apple-darwin 64-bit macOS (10.7 Lion or later)
✅ Windows i686-pc-windows-gnu 32-bit Windows (7 or later)
✅ Windows i686-pc-windows-msvc 32-bit Windows (7 or later)
✅ Windows x86_64-pc-windows-gnu 64-bit Windows (7 or later)
✅ Windows x86_64-pc-windows-msvc 64-bit Windows (7 or later)

Tier 2 platforms

Rust Tier 2 targets are supported for building, but not necessarily running.

Operating System Target Description
✅ Linux aarch64-unknown-linux-musl 64-bit Linux systems on ARM architecture
✅ Linux arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi ARMv6 Linux (kernel 3.2, glibc 2.17)
✅ Linux arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf ARMv7 Linux, hardfloat (kernel 3.2, glibc 2.17)
✅ Linux armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf ARMv7 Linux, hardfloat (kernel 3.2, glibc 2.17)
✅ macOS aarch64-apple-darwin 64-bit macOS (10.7 Lion or later)
✅ Windows aarch64-pc-windows-msvc 64-bit Windows (7 or later)


You can find the documentation on, and

Usage 📖

To use hsh in your project, add the following to your cargo.toml file:

hsh = "0.0.7"

Add the following to your file:

extern crate hsh;
use hsh::*;

then you can use the functions in your application code.


Hash (HSH) comes with a set of examples that you can use to get started. The examples are located in the examples directory of the project. To run the examples, clone the repository and run the following command in your terminal from the project root directory.

cargo run --example hsh

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Get the Hash (HSH) source code on GitHub ⧉.


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